Hi, my name is

Arushi Aggarwal.
I build things for the web.

I'm currently a 4th-year CS undergraduate based in Chandigarh, IN interested in web development, optimizing user experience and making tech more accessible to everyone.

Get In Touch Resume


Hello! I am Arushi, a computer science engineering undergraduate based in Chandigarh, IN.

From a wide-eyed freshman in my first year to a senior with several projects under her belt, my journey in Punjab Engineering College has been nothing short of interesting. As someone who couldn't code on the very first day of college, I've come a long way excelling at designing websites optimal for user experience, dabbling in Deep Learning with a focus on analysing data to retrieve important information and lastly, delving into teaching jobs on the side with an aim of making tech more accessible to everyone.
Preferred Pronouns - she/her
Here are a few technologies and libraries I've been working with recently:

  • TypeScript & JavaScript (ES6+)
  • Ionic
  • Angular & React
  • Node.js & Express
  • HTML & (S)CSS
  • Jupyter & Tableau


Tracking COVID-19

Charts.js, Countup, React.js

The website has 3 cards populated by global/country-wise data for Infected, Recovered and Deaths. In addition to daily data, visualization showcasing graphs for an analysis of the number of infected vs deaths is done via Charts.js


GraphQL, Express, Node.js, React.js, MongoDB


Using a NO-SQL Database, this fully stack web application is intended to be a fully functional clone of EverNote as part of my learning route towards perfecting the MERN stack. The picture attached is a UI design for the web-app.

Object Detection

Implementation of YOLOv4 Research Paper

Trained on GPU via Google Colab, this implementation uses CSPDarknet53 as the backbone.

Other Noteworthy Projects

  • ClonePen

    A functional clone of Codepen made via React.js integrated with CodeMirror to provide functionality of 3 text editors aligned side-by-side. Provides live output as the code is written on the editors.

    React.js   CodeMirror
  • Face Mask Detection

    Face Mask Detection system built with OpenCV, Keras/TensorFlow using fundamental Deep Learning and Computer Vision in order to detect face masks in real-time video streams and send an email if a visitor is found not wearing a mask.

    TensorFlow   OpenCV   Python   Implementing CNN
  • Console Room Socket

    Console-based Chatroom made using Sockets in Python implemented to understand my Computer Networking course better. The idea implemeneted was to use one server to handle multiple clients in a distributed manner.

    Python   Socket Programming


Icons made by inipagistudio from www.flaticon.com

Web Development

HTML & (S)CSS JavaScript(ES6+) REST API GraphQL Node.js ~ Express React.js MongoDB & Firebase SQLite & PostgreSQL
Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com


Data Visualization Predictive Analysis Data Mining Classification ML Algorithms Model Development
Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com


Version Control GitHub Postman | API Testing Jupyter Notebook Tableau Wireshark

What's Next?

Get In Touch

If you're impressed by the portfolio so far and would like to get in touch with me, please drop me a mail. I am currently looking for Job Oppurtunities for Summer 2022.